Trumpeters Orchestrating Cover-up?

We don’t know that for sure.  Not yet, anyway.  From appearances we might arrive at that conclusion.  These are appearances only.

The media has their stories, and their ‘spins’ on those stories.  The ‘spins’ are not ‘fake news.’  They are, as they’ve always been, the free American press expressing a wide variety of views.  We enjoy the freedom of press by Constitutional Law.

None of it is ‘fake news’ only opinion of the real news.  This is why I write with my own ‘spin’ based on the ‘spin’ I have received.

One of Donald Trump’s newest assertions being, “Maybe some of the media should be jailed.”  That might be how they do it in Russia.  Who knows where some of the press in the room last week might be right now.  Only the Russian press was allowed into the room.    

Trump took the opportunity of a Commencement speech to the Coast Guard to lament that “there has never been a politician in history who has been picked on  by the media” to the degree he has been abused.  This is all part of it.  

He may feel abused by the press but, I don’t think he is abused by the media. There’s just a lot of news being generated out of the Oval Office, and it will be reported by the American free press. 

There are several internal investigations that are now tainted with partisanship.

Most of us want the truth, and believe neither the Democrats or, Republicans can arrive at the truth if left to their own resources because they seem to be comprised of too many party loyalists.

More Americans distrust the government to handle any controversial investigation on their own.

I still trust the FBI is working diligently, and independently.

Personally, I want only the truth.  I don’t trust ‘bi-partisan’ internal committees to arrive at the truth.  Who’s hiding what?

We have a call to duty.  Putting America first.   A call to protect Constitutional Law.  How do we do that?  We need a politically untainted Independent investigation to arrive at the facts, and proceed appropriately.

There are House Members already calling for impeachment of President Trump, and we don’t even have all the facts, yet.

Hang tight because, the impeachment call at this point is as offensive as the resistance to an independent investigation. 

I’m not a Trump fan, and I remain without a political party affiliation. 

Trump campaigned on, “America First.”  Much to the chagrin of Republicans, it seems to be, “Donald Trump First.”

Addendum:  After writing this entry, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has redeemed his reputation by appointing Special Counsel to continue the investigation citing public interest would best be served by an independent investigation.


Meet The Leaders (U.S……S.R.?)

My good friends…….let’s talk.

A meeting with Donald Trump, and top level Russian Officials, was cozy as they celebrated the exit of FBI Director, James Comey.

Oh, did I mention this photo is courtesy of the Russian press because the U.S. press was kept out of this very special meeting by, President Trump who has sworn to protect our constitution which protects the free press?

Did I mention the possible breach of security inside the Oval Office?

This is an insult to Americans.  I realize it is not an insult to all Americans but, it should be.

Comey Gets Too Close For Comfort

Did former FBI leader James Comey get a little too close with Russia-Gate?

President Nixon fired officials.  They were involved in an investigation of the President of the United States.  Nixon, however never fired the Director of the FBI.

Nixon finally resigned before he could be impeached from office due to Watergate.

There is still a group of people forming a Donald Trump core base.  They love Donald Trump.  Nothing he does impedes their dedication.  They support him with love, and Trump will go out on the campaign trail to prove it.  Places like Harrisburg, PA.

The Trump team wants to know when this “Russia Thing” all goes away.  It doesn’t.  

They claim, “old news.”  Keep repeating, “fake news” and/or “old news.”  It is a tool that can be used to permeate Trump’s core base with confidence because, they do believe, and repeat after me.  Old news, Fake News……

It’s old, continuing, and not going away until a conclusion is reached to insure, and protect the United States Constitutional Democracy.

The Trump action of firing the FBI Director who was running an open investigation on the Russian interference in the U.S. elections, and the possible relationship with the President, and his team.

It appears that the timing of this firing, and the reasons given is a farce.  It clouds the air with suspicion.

If there’s nothing to hide, why not cooperate, and finally put it behind all of us?

The official reasons given for the firing of Comey is his handling of the Clinton investigation during the election which Trump praised, and applauded more than once during the campaign.

Remember the core Trump base will not believe any evidence that would incriminate the Trump Organization.  There can be no wrong doing as he sold himself well.

There is the secondary base of Republicans who will remain loyal by falling in line.  They proclaim allegiance to our Constitutional Democracy but, working hard to support the Trump Family autocracy.

Today, the Trump family is doing very well since the election.  Patents, visas, and business contracts ring out on the register.  

You, and I pay for those overseas business trips.