
This is without question another sad situation with Hurricane Irma on the attack.

It is a little more personal for me as I have a friend in Florida, and have not had contact for awhile.

The video is revealed up to the minute on tv but, it is hard to watch as nature wreaks havoc upon many of nature’s children.  

It is the helpless feeling you get when watching as the Keys are the first recipients of this murderous storm.  All of this from the safety of my own home far removed from Florida with the recent memory of Texas as they continue to recover from Harvey.

Why can’t I get to help some of these people?  

They are millions of people just like us. They’re adults, some with children, and beloved pets.  

Their entire lives are totally interrupted in the wake of these storms.  

Some will have to start all over, from the beginning.  They’ll have nothing but, hopefully at least, they’ll have each other.  That somehow sounds somewhat poetic but, forget poetic, and try to imagine maybe having your family but, with nowhere to go.

Nowhere to call home.  That isn’t poetic, that’s anchored in reality.  Short of loss of life, that is the potential reality for many families.

This is another situation that, at minimum allows you to help in some small way with a donation to the American Red Cross.

This Is Eating Me For Lunch

Help me!  I am being eaten for lunch, all day, every day.

If I don’t put an end to this, nobody else will put an end to it.

I don’t have anybody to blame, and no excuses.  If I’m being eaten for lunch, being had on a daily basis,  I should find someone to blame.  

How about America’s media?  There has to be someone or, something to blame.  

My wife wants to know where I am, and all I can say is; I’m being eaten for lunch 24/7.  

My family is badgering me for answers.  Oh, I know.  I certainly can’t body slam my family but, the questions keep on.

Who else jumps on board?  My son with the same questions.  Where am I disappearing?  Damn family keeps asking the same questions every time I see them.

My disappearance is typically because the politicians in this country are incapable, imperfect foolish brats, and they are consuming me with their outright stupidity, and again with the questions!!!!  And I have to write about it.

I’m just going to body slam my son.  No more questions.

I have learned from Greg Gianforte a lack of self control is acceptable behavior. Montana exit polling of voters gave Gianforte points for strength! Thank you, Greg.

There will assuredly be no body slams here.  It would not be a sign of strength, I actually don’t have the strength, and I have more self control.

I guess I won’t be moving to Montana because, it seems that according to those few exit polls of voters in Montana, being a bully is a sign of strength, and it’s how they’re bringing up their kids.  

Further, it’s okay to tell a lie in Montana.  When, and if witnesses counter your story then, and only then do you offer a well rehearsed, quick, under the breath apology.  

These are Republicans supposedly representing family values.  I do realize, not all Montana residents agree with the few interviewed after voting.

By the way, Gianforte at the suggestion of Paul Ryan made a ‘heartfelt’ apology. The apology escaped his lips with a murmur.  Before the mumbled apology had a period on the end of it, one of his supporters yelled out, ‘you’re forgiven.’

I guess the forgiveness was given in the name of party politics, not because of a wrongful act.

Forgiven?  Yes.  What about the example it shows children?  Is it simply just okay as long as it’s for the win?  While forgiven, aren’t children allowed to see the bar set higher by a public figure?  

Greg, Donald, and a cast of characters will be in my best thoughts as they need forgiveness, and mercy, not contempt.  Their actions are theirs, and they are actions they will ultimately have to be facing the consequences.

They have been teachers for me.  What not to do in life when I have only me to blame for my actions.  

Greg Gianforte, Donald Trump, and his cast of characters no longer have access to me for their around the clock meal.

It was never about them.  It was always about my response to them.

In order to accomplish not being eaten for lunch, I am going to leave you to MSNBC, FOX, newspapers left, right, and everywhere in between to get you proper information.  It is, and always has been ‘real news’ with a spin.  It is up to you to digest it as you will.

It was falsely called, ‘fake news’ only as Donald Trump came on to the political scene, and whether unknowingly or knowingly was following the Russian Intelligence play book to cause the general public to turn on its’ own free press as a strategic way to furnish alternative supporting facts whenever the ‘fake news’  does not support the regime.

I leave this venue of writing to give me a new found freedom.  It won’t be easy but, I need to rediscover who I am, and not who I am based on someone else.

This blog is not going away.  It’s just getting back where it once was.  

Rather than being eaten for lunch, I think I’ll be eating lunch…..with the family.

The Universal ledger of Cause, & Effect is flawless, and must always be in perfect balance.

Dems & Repubs or Russia?

Dems, and Repubs aligned but, combined for our Constitutional Democracy or, one nation under Russia. That’s the choice.   

The USA’s 2020 President may not be fairly elected.  The 2020 President of the USA may be quite familiar.  A puppet.  An American but, a puppet complete with strings to a puppeteer in Moscow.

How could this happen?  Vladimir Putin found a willing playmate to assist Americans to play right in to the Vladimir Putin play book.

Some of the characterizations of the Putin play book include but, are not limited to the following description.

  1.  Target the free press.  Use the term, ‘fake news’ to describe every news story that is non-supporting.  Do not deviate from the practice as the general public will begin, and finally turn on their own free media.  Create an alternative fact volume to contrast any ‘fake news.’

  2. Rise above any one theology, thought or, group, and become a beloved personality.  Promise the Promised Land, promise everything to everyone.  You don’t have to deliver once arriving.

  3. Create extreme divisiveness between factions within a country by, incorporating the steps below.

  4. Create chaos.  Create enhanced hatred amongst factions of democratic societies.

  5. Infiltrate via social media.  Plant ‘fake news.’  Shift from subject matter, and bully with racial, religious epitaphs in comments.

  6. Enhance personal relationships with foreigners to incorporate as cooperating agent.

Those are just a few characterizations taken from Russian Intelligence papers generally available to anyone willing to look for them.

Judging from the above, wouldn’t you say, far, and wide, the USA is playing right in to this play book?

Look at the comment pages on any place from Youtube to Facebook to Twitter.  

Many bullying comments leaving subject matter way behind in favor of a change to who could insult who with the deepest stab wounds.  

Those are the trolls for the Russian government.  They may not even realize it but, they are catering to, and assisting Vladimir Putin.

So, while we may align with one political party or, another, Vladimir Putin is playing us in preparation for puppet strings pulled from Moscow.

Many Americans are playing directly out of the Russian play book to insure our democracy is brought down with other democracies around the world.

Thanks to worldwide intel, the French people would not bow to the Russians as we bowed.  Putin wanted Trump, and got him.  Look how well the play book worked for Donald Trump.  By contrast in France, Putin’s intended new president was defeated as the French public was paying attention, and keenly aware of Russia’s desires.

Personally, I couldn’t support either candidate in our last election but, how much of that was spoiled successfully by the Putin Play book?

The point is; Are we going to come together as Republicans, and Democrats combined or, as one under Vladimir Putin, and a Russian regime pulling the strings in Washington?  After all, Putin has found more willing play mates in the USA than he has in France.

This paves the way for a Vladimir Putin victory in the USA 2018 elections!

Meet The Leaders (U.S……S.R.?)

My good friends…….let’s talk.

A meeting with Donald Trump, and top level Russian Officials, was cozy as they celebrated the exit of FBI Director, James Comey.

Oh, did I mention this photo is courtesy of the Russian press because the U.S. press was kept out of this very special meeting by, President Trump who has sworn to protect our constitution which protects the free press?

Did I mention the possible breach of security inside the Oval Office?

This is an insult to Americans.  I realize it is not an insult to all Americans but, it should be.

Pep Rally In The Rose Garden

“How do you think I’m doin?  I got no experience in politics, and I’m President!”  This is what the President was asking the gathering of legislative constituents consisting of old, quite affluent white men.  

Why have a pep rally?  The House just voted thumbs up on the President’s endorsed health care bill.

They won!!!!  They got a legislative win in Congress.  It doesn’t become law.  It goes to the Senate.  Then it goes to Conference, and reconciliation.  Once the Senate votes to pass the bill in its’ newest form, it goes back to the House for a vote.   All of that approved, and the bill becomes law.

They got a runner on first.  In doing so…..a pep rally.

What was the pep rally all about then?  Trump, in his own mind hit a homerun.

That was not reality of course because, what he got was a walk to first.  That’s it.  Nobody on, and a lonely walk to first.  He was the only base runner, and the first inning is now over.

What healthcare bill?  The added notes of stupidity continue as Congressmen were asked if they read the bill.  After all, they voted for the bill.  Some rushed past reporters leaving their shoes behind.  The most ridiculous of responses after voting on a bill affecting millions of Americans were: “I just got back from baseball practice” to “That’s what I have staff for.”

Neither of those remarks were called for, no matter where you live politically.  It tells you how important it is for them to represent you.  They were mocking scrutiny.  They were daring us to respond.

With all of this, the Democrats showed no respect for the House, itself as their “Na Na, Hey Hey, Goodbye” was uncalled for at the end of the vote.  The general population will make their likes, and dislikes known at the appropriate time.