Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands

I was about to finish this when the Las Vegas massacre occurred so, I shifted gears to the most recent.  This did not diminish my feelings for fellow Americans living on the Islands who still need our thoughts, prayers, and assistance any we can accommodate.

They had prior warning on Hurricane Maria, and its’ strength.

The Feds rushed the ‘greatest recovery effort’ ever to be seen in the United States according to the big, number 1 leader in the White House.

The reaction was not quite as good as Donald Trump thinks it might be as his ego is given a push off the deep end when he heard differently.  

The most important person, place or, thing was Donald Trump.  You needn’t ask him if it’s true because he doesn’t honestly know.  He is a narcissist, and he’s not capable of going further with it. 

With that, Trump accuses the Mayor of San Juan as a playing piece for the Democrats who got to her.  This was politics, and Trump was leading the greatest rescue mission in our history.  To be accused of anything less was a message that the people on the islands had no idea what they were talking about.

But wait!  There is more.  Many of the people on the Islands have a darker skin pigment than Donald Trump.  He must have asked somebody if they were exempt from American citizenship?  By the time he received the answer, his arm was twisted.

Trump had to look the part but, give another wink to his base.

An early request was put out to waive the Jones Act to facilitate faster delivery of supplies regardless where the ship was registered..  That took some time as well.  Longer than it took in Texas or, Florida, anyway.

The Mayor of San Juan was seen on the news pleading for help, explaining that assistance was coming slow due to the lack of organization, and lots of paper work.  Some people are there wanting, and willing to help but somewhat helpless, following protocol for paper work before all else.

They are desperate for survival on the islands, and it seems that even with warning several days before it hit the Islands too few feds were there for immediate assistance.

Trump being Trump with a shot to the ego went on the attack of San Juan’s Mayor  Carmen Yulín Cruz.

As his job would dictate, Trump’s Treasury Secretary was right there on the situation citing the grand job accomplished in Puerto Rico.  Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin was publicly echoing his boss.  Kiss, kiss.

….And when a reluctant appearing Trump did show up, he literally threw rolls of paper towels at a gathering of citizens in need of much more than a paper towel. 

He was trying to appear as the great rescuer, and chief .  These were not first graders looking for needless treats.   It was not Sea World where the trainer throws treats to performing seals.  

“Believe me,” as Trump often says,  Trump acted on the lowest side of condescending that only he could find.  Donald is a sick man. 



The narcissistic President of the United States doesn’t get the headlines from ‘real news outlets’, and it gnaws at his insides.

Texas comes before Trump no matter what is going on but, you can be sure he is far from the heart, and spirit of Texans in distress.  

He probably doesn’t understand people helping people regardless of whether or not their backgrounds appeal to the Trump palette.

Trump is a passing headline; Texas is not.  Texans do not have the heart to look in to backgrounds during this crisis.  What they do know is, ‘we are people, and we will help other people in a crisis.’

Trump’s arrival in Texas was another one of Trump’s cancerous ‘hey look at how many people turned out to see me!’ campaign stops.  It was a congratulatory stop as he did tell the Texas governor that they could congratulate each other in the near future.

It was all about how well Trump would be handling the Texas crisis.  ‘Better than any other similar crisis has ever been handled in U.S. history.’  This would be epic.

He did lead a pep rally attesting to the strength of Texans.  

He wore a “USA” hat that is for sale on the Trump web site.  As far as the President was concerned, Texas was a photo-op for him, and his wife.  While we’re at it, why not a little business with pleasure? 

Texans are people, and at times like this, still need a ‘presidential President’ surpassing a pep rally.

Did the President reassure the nation of anything?  Did the President show any empathy?  Did he get wet?  Did he meet with any evacuees?  Did he show up at any shelters?  What about Police Officer, Sgt. Steven Perez who  insisted on getting to work to help those in need but, drowned en route?  Nothing from this fake President.

Nothing, until it’s too late, and the educated Trump tries to read from a teleprompter.

What the heck was he doing there except to admire the ‘big’ crowd showing up to see him, and looking for some admiration without doing anything for anybody in Texas.

Again, he was not Presidential but, what else is new?  If nothing else, Donald Trump was in the way.  Get the hell out of Texas!

Trump plans to return to Texas, and will appear to be Presidential because someone like John Kelly will inform him of his miscues.  

You’ll still see the same, ‘I don’t really care because I honestly do not know how to care. ‘  The President acting like a ‘fake President for ‘real’ News which will find the President, a day late, and too many dollars short.

There is no lawless sheriff checking identification.  Only people rescuing their neighbors.

Just like the first, and subsequent responders, I don’t care if you’re Black, White, Asian, Latino, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist or anything else because nobody’s asking questions.  They’re just doing what good people do for others in  this kind of situation.  This is what explains American Community to people like the President.

The President has no idea how to identify with an empathetic community.  It is hard to understand but, narcissism is an illness.  This is the illness that seems to plague the President.

The  responsible real public press is doing their very best at keeping us  up to date with the moment to moment coverage of the ‘real news.’

On to Missouri, the President made another campaign stop with Texas as just a memory, Trump made no mention of Texas continuing in a suffering mode. Not an ounce of empathy for these people because it just isn’t there.

Hurricane Harvey was downgraded to a tropical storm moving off land but, trailed right back to land mass over Texas, and Louisiana dropping more rain. 

We must let these people know that we care.  This whole country is concerned for those enduring through this event, and so very sorry for their losses.  

This is even harder to write as I continue watching the live video unveiled on TV as the crisis is far from over.

Trump continues to treat this crisis as if it was merely a reality tv show ‘series’ no different from the one he used to host.

I’ve done my very small part to the best of my ability with a contribution to the American Red Cross.

Another read on Harvey.

Why Trump Continues To Fail

Why is it, the President of the United States continues to fail?

Donald Trump knows nothing about, the art of the deal.

In a true Trump dictatorship, I would be beheaded for such a characterization of the Lord.  I would have taken the Lord’s name in vain.  Lord Trump.  A false Lord but, by the time it is recognized as true by the majority of the populace, it’s too late.

Give me your tired, poor, and huddled masses has no meaning to these backward Christians.  They call it Christianity but, that’s a misnomer as the only belief allowed on this land is, Lord Trump’s gospel of greed.

A man who received a major stipend from his fortunate father.  Without that stipend there would be no Lord Trump.  The stipend was so large, Donald Trump had no choice but, to remain a rich man.  

It was not really known whether Trump blew the stipend, amassed a great deal of debt, and was possibly living a facade on borrowed money.  Perhaps, at least in this case, there is no ‘art of the deal.’

He had much of what money could buy but, had an ego that demanded much more…

Trump made it to President of the United States.  He couldn’t stop nor, did he consider he could fail.  Before his term as President ended he canceled the election as his ego could not accept even the possibility of a loss.

Instead; He became Lord Trump but, many refused to have a false Lord before them.  It was clear, the Lordship of Trump had no control over the Universe built, and created by something greater than Trump himself.

The true Lord of the Universe prevailed, and Donald Trump found himself at a loss, subservient to something greater, better, and mightier than Donald Trump who folded like a bad poker hand.

The Universe would always have the upper hand.

John McCain

A role-model that any elected representative should follow.  This is the person you look to as the role model.

John McCain has empathy.

He can be absolute in his philosophical politics but, always respectful.  While absolute; His mind can be changed through a reasonable discussion.

John McCain should write a book once he’s out of the hospital defeating the cancer which struck only recently.

McCain always respectfully reaches out across the aisle, and therein lies the premise for a book on the art of the deal.  Respect.

John McCain has my respect more than I disrespect Mitch McConnell.  And as I think about it; Why devote any thought to the negative, and Mitch McConnell when I can devote more good thoughts to Senator McCain?

Donald Trump has outlined the art of the deal with a tough guy attitude coupled with when to walk away from the table.


To think, the United States could be enjoying a typical, and usual positive relationship with our international allies if, a true American hero like John McCain was our President we would be highly respected.

I may disagree with Senator McCain on policy at times but, have great respect for him, and can’t wait for his return to the United States Senate.


No Money In The Bank

Going to my bank, I found out that I better add to my account as the balance in my account was lower than I thought.

I can do that but, not today.  A day late, a dollar short may apply.

None the less, after hours last night, the bank was robbed.  Three villains were caught on digital playback.  Faces exposed.

The idiots got nothing.  They had no idea where the cash was located. This was an ill conceived plan that did not pay off for the bad guys.  

Today, the police had already rounded up the trio.  Nothing gained by them except, probably some extra time to think in confinement.

Wait a minute.  It’s a new world out there.  The U.S.A. is being led by Donald Trump.

Trump will have you believe the robbery was not illegal, nor immoral or, incorrect because, the robbery illustrated a buffoonery of a robbery.  They got nothing.

The end result was something ventured, nothing gained.  Therein lies the formula for crime.  

Nothing gained?  Then, there is no crime.