Health Care Fix

Single payer.  I can see all the Conservatives with the tips of their ears turning red.

I hear all of you.  Free Market!  I get that but, let me put the case in front of you.

Free Market has to have willing participants, and in some cases not everybody wants to participate.

Key lobbyists include health insurance companies.  They can well afford to lobby our legislators with deep pockets.  They can also easily extend multi-million dollar salaries to their CEOs.  All of that before the business of insuring. 

The Free Market does not have willing participants.  Health insurance is an extremely profitable venture for these companies whether it is referred to as, Obama Care or, Trump Care.

In the Health Insurance free market these companies are allowed to increase their premiums, raise deductibles, and reduce coverage.

The health insurance for Americans  is now in crisis.  It is not being helped by merely repealing Obama Care, and later possibly the same repeal of Trump Care.  Neither work because, each political party will make a political football out of both of them.

Why else?  The companies profit with both plans.  They’re not caring too much as to what name is given to free market health insurance.

The health insurance industry will continue with business as usual.  They will continue their lobbying efforts in Washington.  That being the case, the public can expect few to no changes in the free market.

The best of free markets means there are willing participants, each willing to give, and get.  The companies are poised for the usual ‘get’ without giving or, appear to ‘give’ but, not really.

So, the only other answer to benefit the American people is, a very strict single payer plan.

Everybody on to a vastly improved Medicare.  Everyone would pay a basic monthly premium based on income, and/or assets.

A further caveat would be added based on total payroll deductions paid in to the fund.  The question then becomes, approximately how much will it take to run the program over the following year?  

Anticipated total payroll income, plus anticipated premiums, minus anticipated claims would determine anticipated funding necessary from Congress.  That anticipated amount would determine new premiums with review every six months.

All of those caveats would determine each person’s monthly premium.

Rather than researching seniors former payroll deductions over decades they, would just have to pay the premium taking all other caveats in to consideration.

The vast improvement makes it law that no political entity may deny funding to the plan.  Funding is untouchable, and a given.  We’re already paying for it, and the funds may not be borrowed by Congress.

Funding for the program would not be open for discussion but, rather it would take in the mathematical caveats including allowing relative function within the current economy for the insured.

While we’re at it, a no borrow clause should be extended to Social Security.

The new, and improved Medicare is governed by, Scientists, Doctors, Nurses, Public Health Advocacies, Hospital Management personnel, etc. with no interaction with any political entity.

How would this board of governors be appointed?  This is the point where I’m still trying to work that out.  How do we keep this out of the hands of legislators who will be compelled to fund it but, have no say so on how it is run?

Addendum:  Free Market – Single Payer:  All Health Insurance Companies would be required to participate or, no longer sell health insurance in the United States.

The premiums would be dictated by, the caveats above as private companies could not be trusted to enable all Americans affordable health care if left to a completely free market.